5 Vastu-Friendly Kitchen Accessories You Need


Transform your kitchen into a space of positive energy and harmony with Vastu-friendly accessories. Discover the top 5 must-have items that align with Vastu principles to enhance well-being and prosperity in your home.

Vastu-Approved Cookware Materials

Choose cookware made from stainless steel, copper, or brass. These materials are believed to attract positive energy and promote good health. Avoid using aluminum and non-stick cookware to maintain a Vastu-compliant kitchen.

Energy Balancing Kitchen Decor

Decorate your kitchen with green plants or fresh flowers to introduce natural elements that balance energy. Place them in the east or north direction to enhance positivity and maintain a fresh, vibrant atmosphere.

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3. Placement of Mirrors and Reflective Surfaces

Avoid placing mirrors or reflective surfaces in the kitchen, as they can disrupt energy flow. If necessary, position them in a way that they do not reflect the stove or cooking area to maintain harmony and balance.

Vastu-Enhancing Lighting Options

Choose bright and well-distributed lighting for your kitchen. Natural light is ideal, so keep windows unobstructed. For artificial lighting, use warm tones and place lights evenly to avoid dark corners, fostering a positive ambiance.

Natural Elements to Incorporate

Incorporate natural elements like wooden utensils, stone countertops, and clay pots. These materials align with Vastu principles, promoting a sense of grounding and connection to nature, enhancing the kitchen’s positive energy.

Traditional Vastu Remedies for Modern Kitchens

Incorporate natural elements like wooden utensils, stone countertops, and clay pots. These materials align with Vastu principles, promoting a sense of grounding and connection to nature, enhancing the kitchen’s positive energy.

Final Tips on Accessorizing with Vastu

Combine functionality with Vastu principles for a harmonious kitchen. Regularly declutter, keep the space clean, and maintain an organized setup to ensure a continuous flow of positive energy, making your kitchen a joy to cook in.

Discover the Perfect Vastu-Friendly Accessories at Saviesa.